Saturday, November 18, 2017

Chapter 17: Anna One, Anna Two, Anna three

 Anna One, Anna Two, Anna Three

If you don't understand the above picture, congratulations.  You're young.  If you do understand, then you also know about things like warming up the television, changing directions on the antenna from north to south (or points in between) so that you could get a completely different set of channels. And mind you, a "set" of channels might be as many as two!  There were lots more options on the AM radio.  I used to listen to CKLW out of Detroit.  They played music that my mom hated, like the Stones, Beatles, Eric Carmen and the Raspberries; "hard rock" stuff like that!  

Anyway, let's get back on track.  Anna one - my first cyberknife to try to rectify my lingering and excruciating back pain.  There were originally 3 treatments scheduled, starting on Wednesday, November 8.  A last minute conflict arose and they rescheduled to Thursday the 9th.  This was the longest of the appointments with my time "on the table" reaching close to an hour and my actual scan minutes were somewhere under 50. An interminable amount of time when you can't move, scratch your nose, itch your whatever, stuff you do all the time.  My hands were "hobbled" so that I would have to keep them to my side.  Good that I take anxiety meds!  After the treatment was over, I felt fine with no lingering affects.  I went home and rested the rest of the day.

Anna two - Cyberknife treatment #2 occurred on Friday, November 10.  Pretty much a carbon copy of the Thursday treatment only this time I came out with a really sore neck.  The first day they gave me an extra rolled up towel to help cushion my head.  I didn't realize how much that helped until this treatment was over.  The back of my neck around the base of my skull had been lying directly on the hard plastic which ended up bruising me.  I was okay after resting again for the rest of the day.  Cyberknife, if I know nothing else about it, I can attest to the fact that it really contributes to already heavy fatigue.  My meds also make me very tired.  I'm not taking daily naps anymore, but do feel the need to lie down and rest my back a couple of times a day.

Anna three - The third and  final treatment occurred on Monday, November 13.  I remembered to ask for a cushion or pillow and they brought me a nice piece of foam on which to rest the back of my head.  All turned out well, with no repeat of the neck pain from the second treatment.  It is too soon to tell if the cyberknife treatments will impact my chronic back pain.  The doctor said it can take 2-4 weeks before the full value of the treatments are realized.  If there's no relief, then I have another alternative to explore which I will write about when the time comes (if it comes).  I don't want to jinx my treatment by discussing "what if" scenarios!


  1. I’m confused about the cyber knife stuff. But then again I get confused about this kind of stuff. Maybe you can text me about what it is they are doing. Sounds as though you are doing well.

  2. Thank goodness for anxiety meds! I needed one just imagining what you were going through during those procedures! Praying this works and you get some relief, Jennifer<3

  3. Bob is right, that DOES look like Chad! HAHAHA!!! :)

  4. Fingers crossed that these treatments do the trick. And thanks for the walk back in time to when TV had three channels, and adjusting the rabbit ears, and staying up until the test pattern was displayed. (Yup, showing my age there for sure).

  5. Love you Jennifer. Just hate that you have to do any of this. Many of the patients I see have had good quality relief. May you get the same!♡♡♡
