Saturday, May 5, 2018

Chapter 21: Eddie Takes a Wife

Eddie and Megan
March 10, 2018
Rockin' like a Wagon Wheel

Hello, everyone.  I purposefully omitted this portion of my blog from my previous post, because I didn't want to overshadow this momentous event with my own sorrowful life tales.  This gig was a happy gig, and this page is totally dedicated to Eddie and Megan's wedding and the jam that followed.

The first time I saw Eddie, he was about a year old.  Connie was driving, and it was about 30 degrees outside.  We came around the corner and right smack dab in the middle of the road was a toddler.  He was wearing men's cowboy boots (up to his thighs), a diaper, a pair of glasses and nothing else.  I said "My God, Connie, there's a naked child in the road!"  And she said "Oh. That's just Eddie.  I'll tell Colleen when we go inside." She scooped him up, went inside and  Connie told her sister that her youngest had been in the middle of the street half naked.  She yelled out to Nate "NATE.  You're supposed to be watching him".  He yelled out "MATT?" and through the names of the oldest they went on passing the mantle of blame from one to the next.

Remember, this is a woman who had already had nine kids, and I swear they all have their own personal guardian angels because it is just about impossible to keep up with a crew that size!  They are a very close knit family.  I have a sticker that quotes George Burns as saying "Happiness is having a large, close, loving family in another city."  Well, George didn't know this family at all.  They are tight, and it shows, especially when everyone comes home to the roost for the weekend which happens frequently.

Eddie was an early achiever.  He started walking at 8 to 10 months and had to wear glasses as a baby because of a problem with lazy eyes that eventually was corrected.  He was babied, being the youngest of the ten.  We frequently referred to him as Thunder Eddie.  I swear, this boy is 25 years old now and will probably get carded in bars for his entire life he has such a baby face!  Joey is the oldest, and he turned 18 a mere 3 months after Eddie was born, so there is nearly the lifespan of an adult between them.

Flash forward from the baby in the street to the groom in the wedding March 10.  We were able to attend (thanks to my mom for sitting with our dogs on her 88th birthday).  We went to the wedding and the priest was marvelous, the service stunning; I really can't think of one negative thing that happened during that wedding.  Megan was beautiful and I'll tell you, they looked so much like a story book wedding cake topper!

This family and their cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. have a tradition of singing The Old Crow Medicine Show's "Wagon Wheel" at events; or maybe because they're in the mood for a good tune and they all love this one.  I've known the lyrics forever and most everybody else in the family does too.  Mid way through the reception, which was about an hour into the dancing portion, the DJ queued up the song and as soon as those familiar strains from the acoustic guitar played and the fiddle joined in, everybody was up.  I'm walking with a cane these days, but I said to Connie "I've gotta get up and sing."  So I got up, caned my way to the growing circle and found a place on the inside where I could be supported by my neighbors if I stumbled.  Eddie came over and said "Come on, Jennifer.  You're dancing with me."  I said "Eddie, I don't think I can stand up."  He said "I won't let you fall and I'll get you back to where you need to be."  My heart melted.  This kid whom I have known for his whole life singled me out for the dance to what is probably considered the family mantra.  I can't hear that song to this day without having a tear form in the corner of my eyes.

We had a great time on a whirlwind weekend.  I was exhausted. I had taken a nap between the wedding and the reception, but still stayed in my jammies all day Sunday. We flew home to Florida on Monday.  I went to work on Wednesday.

A couple of weeks ago, I was at work, listening to Spotify on my headphones.  The Wagon Wheel shuffled up, and I texted the group and said "Wagon Wheel shuffled up, and I felt like singing.  So I got up and closed my office door, started the song over and belted it out."  Rachel responded right away and said "Of course you did."


  1. What a wonderful circle of family and friends you have! Thanks for sharing, it made me smile, especially singing in your office!

  2. I love this story and your talent for words that come alive like a video. Eddie sounds like a sweetheart. Hugs and belated birthday wishes to Peg.
