Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Chapter 06: Breaking News

Breaking News - Back to the Future

Times of struggles are difficult to endure.  I am struggling to tell this story in chronological order because something may happen this week that I want to share, and it doesn't seem logical to have to wait to post it.  So I'm going to title any post that flashes forward as "Breaking News."  In the chronology of this blog, we left off after "I Love Lucidity" , which was the end of my initial radiation treatment.  The next logical post would be starting somewhere around October 2016, but I need to interrupt that chain so that all of you know where I'm at in my current treatment and progress.

I had a PET Scan around May 8, 2017.  The results were remarkable. Many of the tumors that were in my lungs and liver were invisible.  A few remain but are still shrinking; preliminary conclusion being that the immune therapy is working.  The only thing the PET doesn't show is what is happening in my brain.  For that I needed an MRI.  I had that MRI on a Friday and when the doctor came in to deliver results, she started out with "it isn't good."

Long story short - that's why I haven't posted anything new for a while.  I wasn't really sure how I was going to approach this.  Then I came up with the "Breaking News" idea as a way to deviate from the chronological time line of the blog.  I have another MRI scheduled for the end of June and visiting the doctor the next day to discuss results.  There are several theories being floated about why the brain isn't responding the way they had hoped, but in order to see clearly the growth pattern and rate, I can see me having frequent MRIs during the summer time.  I have, in my opinion, 2 of the best oncologists in Gainesville researching all over the country to determine next steps.  I was ecstatic for a day and walking on the clouds, then the MRI results arrived and I've been somewhat depressed since that time.  I try not to spend too much time in bed because that tends to just deepen the depression.  So I went in to the new building to get the 50 cent tour last week (thanks, Shanna) and my friends there are helping to keep my spirits up.  They are also protecting "The Duke"; someone who moved here with me from Ohio and I heard there were some stalkers at the Farm Bureau before the move hoping he got "lost".  Thanks, team, for protecting Rooster Cogburn in my absence.  


  1. Oh Jennifer, I'm sure the emotional ride with this combination of news is very hard. It was wonderful to see you last week, and I'm sending some healing thoughts your way, and I have faith that your medical team will find something that will work for you.

  2. It was great seeing you. Come back to the office again (or let's do it somewhere more fun)

  3. Early one morning (yes! me! I actually woke up early!), I sat back in bed and read through all the chapters in your blog. What a gifted writer you are, Jennifer! I chuckled often. I shook my head in complete disbelief at some of the tales (e.g., the initial doctor giving you the news, the insurance process, etc.). I teared up with emotion as I learned more specific details about all the challenges you have faced. But through it all, I thought constantly about how you have persevered and it made me smile.

    It was wonderful to see you recently at work, if only for a few minutes. I wish I had thought to bring you over to my desk to show you how I have my buckeye tucked in a pretty green, sheer pouch in my direct view each day. BUT... you know what? You would have then seen how the buckeye sits closely to my Williams-Brice stadium trinket. ;-)

    Hugs to you and keep smiling.

  4. What a great pic. Miss those guys. So glad you were able to visit. You have an awesome village of docs, family and friends. Sending you love and positive thoughts. Thank you for keeping your eye on the prize through the ups and downs.

  5. Thank you for your postings. I’m so sorry to hear the MRI was not encouraging. When I saw the Duke at the office, I immediately thought of you. I wish you were there in person when we took the picture. You are so missed. I thought I’d look up a few quotes from the Duke. And of course, I know why you like him so much. Here’s a couple that are a testament to how you are handling your battle with the “C”:

    “Courage is being scared to death... and saddling up anyway.

    I'm not the sort to back away from a fight. I don't believe in shrinking from anything. It's not my speed; I'm a guy who meets adversities head on.”

    I’m thinking of you and hoping future MRIs bring some good news. Sending you hugs and love.
